Ms. Sulosh Pillay
November 9, 2022
Ms. Lauren King
November 18, 2022Ms. Lorelei Higgins

Ms. Lorelei Higgins

KAILASA Dharma Rakshana Social Justice Om Award February 20, 2022
Affiliation at the time of award: Métis Canadian cultural mediator, Rotary Peace fellow and Positive Peace Activator as well as a Governor General’s Canadian leadership program alumna
Country: Canada
Ms Higgins is a Métis Canadian cultural mediator, a Rotary Peace fellow and Positive Peace Activator as well as a Governor General’s Canadian leadership program alumna. She has worked on community-based projects locally and internationally with government agencies, non-government organizations and the business sector. These projects have centred on peace and conflict transformation, indigenous matters and the elevation of female voices in leadership. Ms. Higgins has worked across the globe in communities in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.
She is the community lead for the City of Calgary’s anti-racism program and is working to advance the city of Calgary's commitments to truth and reconciliation.
Ms. Higgins has an MBA, with a specialization in leadership, and she facilitates asset-based community development sessions utilizing an appreciative inquiry lens. She is also a consultant with Mediators Beyond Borders International and is passionate about creating bold, open spaces for building peace through cross-cultural learning and the establishment and nurturing of enduring, positive relationships.
As Mrs Canada 2021 and a Women in Need Foundation Ambassador, Ms Higgins is leading efforts to increase female leadership in peacebuilding efforts locally and globally.