His Worship Kedir Juhar Ibrahim
November 2, 2022
Rev. M. Emmanuel Nimely
November 2, 2022Mr. Jameson Chow

Mr. Jameson Chow

KAILASA Oneness Om Award March 20, 2022
Affiliation at the time of award: Manager of Operations and Funding for the Food Bank Singapore Ltd
Country: Singapore
Mr. Jameson Chow is the Manager of Operations and Funding for the Food Bank Singapore Ltd, which was established in 2012. The Food Bank Singapore (www.foodbank.sg) is Singapore’s first food bank and aims to be the prevailing centralized coordinating organization for all food donations in Singapore.
Driven by its mission to eradicate food insecurity of all forms in Singapore by 2025, the registered charity bridges potential donors and member beneficiaries by collecting and redistributing donated food. Its members are registered charity organizations or special organizations with a designated meal programme for low income and underprivileged individuals and families. Through a network of more than 370 such organizations of all sizes, the food bank serves more than 100,000 families and over 300,000 people with all kinds of food – from fresh to cooked.
Mr. Chow, who joined in 2019, is passionate in helping the community and believes in the importance of taking the first step to end hunger and fight food waste. Together with the Food Bank team, his focus is on improving efficiency and innovative projects coupled with technology to provide solutions to the food distribution landscape in Singapore.
You can often find him carrying rice during his free time to support on the ground operations as well as using it as an opportunity for free gym workouts.