Free COVID-Relief


KAILASA’s report on Hindu-based solutions to COVID-19 was recognised and published by the United Nations. The report highlights Hindu policies and Hindu-based economic systems that encourage multilateral and synergetic approaches to address various issues from the individual consciousness to the community level and worldwide. KAILASA’s ecosystem of Temple-Monastery complexes are open to people from all walks of life in India and Malaysia; and include free accommodation, organic food, internet, yoga and meditation classes. These ecosystems provide sustainable community living with multi-layered quarantine. Allopathic medicine with ambulances, oxygen canisters, other core medical supplies fit for disasters and emergencies of large proportions are also available.

KAILASA COVID Care also includes:

  • Support to countries worldwide with face masks
  • Meditation programs and Yoga to stay healthy and positive
  • 28 day Hindu fast and prayer observed in April 2020, 2021 and 2022 by millions of worldwide followers to heal the world of Coronavirus
  • Paramashivoham (PMS) - 24/7 virtual initiative to save lives through free psychological and spiritual care, support and counseling. Initiated in March 2020 and benefited by delegates from 85+ countries. PMS has been addressing and supporting delegates in the COVID-19 related issues, such as anxiety, stress, depression bringing the psychological well being, comfort and strength to deal with the challenges of the ongoing global pandemic.