Mr. Meredith Beal
November 2, 2022
Prince Siboniso Moloi
November 2, 2022
Mr. Meredith Beal
November 2, 2022
Prince Siboniso Moloi
November 2, 2022

Sister Uma Deonath

Sister Uma Deonath


KAILASA Mitra Om Award March 8, 2022

Affiliation at the time of award: Coordinator of Brahma Kumaris Sangre Grande Center of Trinidad & Tobago

Country: Trinidad & Tobago


Sister Uma Deonath is a representative of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization, the headquarters of which is in Mt Abu, Rajasthan, India. Presently, she is the coordinator of the Sangre Grande branch of this institution.

Over the past 30 years that she has spent with the spiritual organization has truly enhanced her life. She shares that through meditation and yoga, the clarity and understanding of this knowledge that explains the difference between the eternal soul and the body, resonates within her and allows her to live her innate qualities effortlessly in a very practical way.

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