Mr. Gift Parseen
November 9, 2022Ms. Mia Yamamoto
November 9, 2022Rev. Susan Shannon
Rev. Susan Shannon
KAILASA Dharma Rakshana Social Justice Om Award February 20, 2022
Affiliation at the time of award: Interfaith Minister and Chaplain
Country: United States
Rev. Susan Shannon, M. Div, BCC, has worked among diverse populations all her life in varying capacities including Tibetan Refugees, the homeless, the differently-abled, at-risk youth, and the incarcerated.
She was ordained as an Interfaith Minister by the Chaplaincy Institute for Arts and Interfaith Ministries in 2011. She went on to complete a Masters of Divinity from Starr King School for the Ministry in 2012, with the focus of serving marginalized and oppressed communities.
Since ordination, Susan’s ministry has been focused on prison chaplaincy projects and transformational programs at San Quentin State Prison, including providing Buddhist Chaplaincy on Death Row. Her work is rooted in the principles of Restorative Justice and Emotional Literacy, fostering interconnectedness and healthy community engagement.