Mr. Saso Krasnov
November 7, 2022
Ms. Urša Drofenik
November 7, 2022
Mr. Saso Krasnov
November 7, 2022
Ms. Urša Drofenik
November 7, 2022

Pundit Sunil Seetahal Maharaj

Pundit Sunil Seetahal Maharaj

Pundit Sunil Seetahal Maharaj


KAILASA Dharma Jyoti Religion and Worship Om Award February 7, 2022

Affiliation at the time of award: Spiritual Leader of the Ganesh Utsav Foundation

Country: Trinidad and Tobago


Principally based in South Trinidad, Pundit Sunil Seetahal Maharaj came from a family lineage that hinged onto Bhakti and Dharma. Ingrained into his DNA and inspired by those who came before him, while cognizant about the importance of religion and spirituality, Pundit Sunil Seetahal Maharaj ji has been practicing for over 25 years and has dedicated his life entirely to serving Dharma full time.

Serving as the head and spiritual leader of the Ganesh Utsav Foundation, Pundit Sunil is an impetus for harmony and compassion. While Punditji may be known for his eloquent and humble life transforming discourses, he continues to be a beacon of hope and light to many. His service to society and humanity doesn’t stop at the end of a puja or ramayan. Adopting the principle of ‘worship to God is worship to mankind’, Pundit Sunil Seetahal Maharaj ji serves as the main conduit to many social initiatives to bring comfort and happiness to those most vulnerable in the society.

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