Ms. Maitri Baraz
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May 4, 2023Mr. Richard King

Mr. Richard King

KAILASA Bhushan Award January 03, 2023
Country: United States
Mr. Richard King was born in New Jersey and moved to California where he lived for many years with his wife, Lauren King. Among his career choices, he was the head of a radio station, started a chain of all-night boutiques and worked as a property developer in Southern Florida.
King World was started by his father, Charles King, in 1964. Charles’ children inherited the company and they built it into the television industry’s dominant distributor of game and talk shows including Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy! and the Oprah Winfrey Show.
Mr. Richard King was on the Board of Directors and deeply committed to The Caron Foundation. He was very philanthropic and dedicated to giving to charities worldwide. Mr. King passed away on December 7, 2020.